

걸린 시간




import * as fs from "fs";

const filePath: string = process.platform === 'linux' ? '/dev/stdin' : './input';

const stdin: string[] = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString().split('\n');
const input: Function = ((): Function => { 
  let line: number = 0;
  return (): string => stdin[line++];

const num: Array<number> = input().split(' ').map(Number);

interface counter_dict {
  [key: number]: number;

const num_dict: counter_dict = {};
for(let i of num){
  if(num_dict[i] === undefined) num_dict[i] = 1;
  else num_dict[i]++;

const solve: Function = () => {
  let max_num: number = 0;
  for(let [k, v] of Object.entries(num_dict)){
    max_num = Math.max(max_num, parseInt(k));
    if(v === 3) return 10000+parseInt(k)*1000;
    else if(v === 2) return 1000+parseInt(k)*100;
  return max_num*100;


새롭게 알게 된 것들 나열

  • map 메서드를 이용한 배열 내 자료형 변환
  • typescript interface 를 가지는 dictionary 사용
  • dictionary 순회 방법

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